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Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance

We recognise that all aspects of our operation may have wide ranging environmental impact and we are committed to minimising these impacts through a programme of continuous improvement.

Environmental Commitments

At Shafton Steel Services, sustainability is integrated into all aspects of our business. We have achieved carbon neutral status through measures such as carbon off setting and investment in carbon capture and storage technologies. We are accredited by Carbon Neutral UK and have reduced our emissions by 2% through switching to LED lighting and a further 36% by adopting green electricity. Furthermore, our initiative to implement the use of biodiesel (HVO) across all our facilities is anticipated to reduce our remaining emissions by another 35%. In addition, the Group is integrating renewable energy sources to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Social Commitments

We place great importance on taking an active involvement in improving the communities close to our manufacturing facilities and construction sites. Joining the 5% Club reflects our commitment to education by increasing our involvement with schools and supporting charities chosen  by our employees. Alignment with the goals of our customers and stakeholders ensures that our initiatives focus on employment, training, education, diversity, inclusion, health, wellbeing and the environment.

The integration of ESG objectives into all our processes is key to driving long term sustainable value for the company’s stakeholders. Aligning our business practices with environmental, social and governance principles, ensures we build a resilient and responsible company that positively impacts society while delivering innovative solutions for a better future.

Want to know more? Get in touch with us today...

Call our team with any queries or feedback on +44 (0) 1226 718 833

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